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Katie Flint (White) Class of 2007

Grades attended at SFCA
1st grade-12th grade

Did you attend college after SFCA? If so, where?
Liberty University

What is your current career? 
Stay At Home Mom

What is a special memory you have from your time at SFCA?
I loved spirit week and Homecoming. Also, the student leadership retreats were a great time of growing spiritually and relationally with teacher and fellow students. Lastly, I loved being apart of different sports teams at SFCA.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and the impact that this person had in your life - or perhaps a specific example of a way this teacher cared for you in a special way.
Mrs. Peterson was always one of my favorite teachers. She made the material easily understandable, she truly cared for her students, and her love for Jesus was always very evident.

How do you feel SFCA prepared you in college as well as for God's call in your life?
Mr. Catto’s classes prepared me for the educational aspect of college because it was the same format of how many classes were in college. I got my degree in special education and many of the teachers at SFCA inspired me to be a teacher because of the way they cared for the students and truly wanted them to learn about the subjects they were teaching.

Are there any other special updates you would like to share with us?
After dating Ryan Flint in high school, who graduated SFCA in 2006, we got married in 2011, and now 2 of our 3 children attend SFCA.