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Armand Regnaert Class of 2013

Armand Regnaert – Class of 2013

Grades attended at SFCA

Did you attend college after SFCA? If so, where?
Florida Gulf Coast University & Clemson University

What is your current career? Or, what is your plan after college graduation?
Park Planner with Lee County Parks & Recreation

What is a special memory you have from your time at SFCA?
St. Augustine trip with Mrs. Wynn in 4th grade.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and the impact that this person had in your life - or perhaps a specific example of a way this teacher cared for you in a special way.
Mr. Catto made history come to life in his high school history classes. I enjoyed learning from him and his stories so much, that I took AP US History my senior year so I could get a 3rd year learning from him (I was the only senior who took the class).

How do you feel SFCA prepared you in college as well as for God's call in your life?
My academic writing and English composition was far ahead than a number of my classmates. I attribute that to my English teachers at SFCA, from Mrs. Wynn teaching us basic 5 paragraph essays in 4th grade, to beginning to write citing sources in 7th grade, to AP English Composition and research papers in high school.

Are there any other special updates you would like to share with us?
My wife Olivia (who I met while at SFCA) and I celebrated 3 years of marriage this past June 1st.