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Brandy Davis

SFCA is blessed with amazing teachers & staff! Let’s get to know the 2022-2023 team!

Position at SFCA: K-5 STEM teacher

How long have you worked at SFCA: 5 years

Favorite thing about working with students: No single day is the same! Each day is filled with excitement, new opportunities, and curiosity. Working with children reminds me of how amazing and exciting this world God created can be.

Surprising fact about you that people may not know: I was a photographer for a few years after I had my daughter. I love photography!

Life verse: John 16:33

How did God bring you to SFCA: It was all in God's planning.....
During my son's kindergarten year I volunteered as much as I could in his class. When his amazing teacher retired after 40 years of teaching, I received a call to see if I was interested in working at SFCA.

I work in Christian Education because: This year will be a little different because of my role as the STEM teacher. I want to be able to help my students understand their role as stewards, earth-keepers, and creation-enjoyers. As we dive into how things are created, we can see God's amazing work. I'm blessed to be able to do that through Biblical truths found in His word.

My favorite thing to do on the weekends is: Chauffeur my children around town!